Logandale Trails Project
Travel Management Planning
The Logandale Trails area is a destination for many types of off-highway-vehicle (OHV) uses. As part of the Recreation Area Management Plan, and as a way to support and enhance trail-based motorized and nonmotorized recreation activities, the BLM is proposing specific management for individual routes. The BLM’s travel management planning process includes designating OHV management areas at the planning-level, establishing route-level management for the area’s transportation system, and implementing the travel management plan through on-the-ground actions. At the planning level, areas are designated as open to cross-country motorized travel, motorized travel is limited to existing or designated routes, or closed to motorized travel. Similarly, at the route-level, the BLM is proposing to assign specific OHV designations and associated management to the over 200 miles of roads and trails associated with the Logandale Trails System (see Appendix B of the Environmental Assessment).
The BLM conducted a comprehensive inventory of the existing transportation system in the Logandale Trails area. This inventory is the basis for developing route-level management. The BLM encourages the public to use the interactive map on Station 6: Alternatives to view the inventoried routes and which are proposed as open, limited, or closed under each alternative.
For more information on the Logandale Trails Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Kenneth Kendrick (702-515-5073) or Colleen Cepero Rios (702-515-5395) or email BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov