Logandale Trails Project
The BLM has identified four alternatives: the No Action (Alternative A), Alternative B, Alternative C (the Proposed Action), and Alternative D. The three action alternatives all include a Resource Management Plan Amendment to redesignate the Logandale Trails planning area as a Special Recreation Management Area, with two Recreation Management Zones – one focused on motorized recreation and the other on recreational target shooting. The action alternatives vary in recreation settings and characteristics.
Under the No Action alternative (Alternative A), the current management would remain in place with the decision area remaining an extensive recreation management area with OHV use allowed on existing routes. In Alternative B the BLM would amend the Las Vegas RMP to designate the Logandale Trails decision area a special recreation management area, with associated planning-level decisions, and develop implementation-level actions via a Recreation Area Management Plan and Travel Manage Plan, emphasizing conservation and resource protection. Alternative C would result in similar planning-level decisions as Alternative B, with implementation-level actions balancing resource protection and recreation management. Finally, Alternative D would implement planning-level decisions via an amendment to the Las Vegas RMP, but would focus on expanded recreation within the decision area.
The specifics of the Recreation Area Management Plan and Travel Management Plan would also vary by action alternative, with the miles of routes open to motorized recreation being a notable change in each alternative. The interactive map below can be used to view the difference among alternatives, including proposed camping areas, routes and their designations, and OHV open areas.
Logandale Trails - Interactive Map
You can use the interactive map to view the Logandale Trails planning area, search for a specific location in the planning area, view the various types of inventoried routes and Clark County roads, view landownership, and confirm specific routes of interest. If specific routes of interest are not identified on the map, you can email spatial data, such as GPS tracks, Google Earth kmz or kml files, or ESRI based shapefiles to BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov
Notes on map use
You can access the map legend by toggling it on or off with the arrow in the upper left corner
You can click on a symbol in the map to find out more information
You can search for an address in the upper right corner
The BLM recognizes that many visitors access the Logandale Trails from urban areas directly adjacent to the Logandale Trails area. As part of the Recreation Area Management Plan and Travel Management Plan, the BLM is proposing to develop an Urban Interface Trails Plan that will guide how the BLM manages access via existing routes that connect the Logandale Trails System with non-BLM public roads in adjacent urban areas.
For more information on the Logandale Trails Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Kenneth Kendrick (702-515-5073) or Colleen Cepero Rios (702-515-5395) or email BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov