Logandale Trails Project
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is BLM proposing to do this planning effort for Logandale Trails now?
An increase in local population and recreation-based activities has amplified the need for improved recreation management at Logandale Trails. The plans will provide site-specific management that will enhance trail-based motorized and nonmotorized recreation activities within the Logandale Trails System and prevent conflicts between recreation users and other resource uses such as proposed energy or transmission projects, as well as biological and cultural resources.
2. There are several documents mentioned in this planning effort. What does each do?
Resource Management Plan Amendment – Logandale Trails is identified in the Las Vegas Resource Management Plan as an Extensive Recreation Management Area which is an administrative unit where recreation is generally unstructured and dispersed. It recognizes existing recreation activities and associated qualities and conditions; the BLM manages recreation commensurate with other resources and resource uses. The BLM is proposing to change the Resource Management Plan designation for the Logandale Trails area to Special Recreation Management Area, which is an administrative unit that the BLM manages with recreation as its primary management focus. The BLM manages Special Recreation Management Areas for the existing or proposed recreation opportunities, unique values, importance, or distinctiveness, especially as compared with other areas. A Resource Management Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the Logandale Trails area from an Extensive Recreation Management Area to a Special Recreation Management Area.
Environmental Assessment – The Environmental Assessment is required by NEPA and will include the purpose and need for the Recreation Area Management Plan, Travel Management Plan, and Resource Management Plan amendment. It will evaluate alternatives for management and disclose the environmental impacts of the proposed action and alternatives. The analysis will be driven by the issues identified during scoping.
Recreation Area Management Plan – A Recreation Area Management Plan provides the BLM with more specific management direction for a Special Recreation Management Area. For Logandale Trails, a Recreation Area Management Plan would provide focused and coordinated management, as well as implementation strategies to support popular day-use recreational activities, sites, facilities and to manage the area more effectively in accordance with the unique recreation opportunities and settings. The Recreation Area Management Plan will include an overall plan on managing the area for recreation use including but not limited to off-highway vehicle use, camping, hiking, target shooting and special recreation permits (organized group, commercial and special events). The Recreation Area Management Plan will also include a travel plan management plan.
Travel Management Plan – The Travel Management Plan is an implementation-level decision document that outlines a travel network and designates routes and a transportation system for a travel management area. The Travel Management Plan will identify routes open to the public, routes for administrative use only, and routes to be closed and rehabilitated. The Travel Management Plan may also designate new routes to help meet the goals and objectives of the Special Recreation Management Area and implement the decisions in the Recreation Area Management Plan.
3. What types of comments would be most helpful during this scoping phase?
The following information would be the most useful:
Any additional information, data or analysis which should be considered
Identify a different way to meet the project need
Suggest alternate methodologies for analysis and the reason(s) why they should be used
Make factual corrections, or identify sources of credible research or data
Are there additional issues, concerns, or opportunities (not already identified) that the BLM should consider?
Are there additional alternatives (not already identified) that the BLM should consider
Comments that are less helpful and considered non-substantive are those that:
Vote in favor of or against the proposed action
Agree or disagree with agency policy without justification or supporting data
Do not pertain to the project area or the proposed project
Contain vague, open-ended questions
4. Will I still be able to use my OHV on all the roads and trails in the Logandale Trails area?
As part of the Logandale Trails Environmental Assessment and Recreation Area Management Plan, the BLM anticipates analyzing a range of alternative management scenarios for individual route segments in the Logandale Trails transportation system. Under one or more alternatives, the BLM may evaluate permanent or seasonal closures of certain routes to motorized or mechanized uses to avoid adverse resource impacts and conflicts with other users. Routes considered for permanent closure could be reclaimed to improve resource conditions.
5. What if I know of a road or trail that is not shown in the BLM’s inventory of existing routes in the Logandale Trails area?
The BLM encourages interested and knowledgeable parties to submit route specific comments during the public comment period. Routes may not appear in BLM’s inventory for multiple reasons, including but not limited to, mapping errors and the presence of social or unauthorized trails. If specific routes of interest are not identified on the interactive map, you can email spatial data, such as GPS tracks, Google Earth kmz or kml files, or ESRI based shapefiles to BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov.
6. What are the benefits of the proposed federal action?
An increase in local population and recreation-based activities has amplified the need for improved recreation management. The proposed action will provide site-specific management that will enhance trail-based motorized and nonmotorized recreation activities within the Logandale Trails System and prevent conflicts between recreation users and other resource uses such as proposed energy or transmission projects, as well as biological and cultural resources.
7. How can the public provide their input on the project?
The public had the opportunity to provide comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment in several ways. The BLM accepted verbal comments at the virtual public comment meeting held on October 26, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST. Stakeholders and the public were able to provide written comments by mail, phone, or email as described in more detail here. The comment period began on September 28 and ended on November 14, 2022. Comments will be accepted at any time, but those submitted by November 14, 2022 are the most helpful in development of the final Environmental Assessment.
For more information on the Logandale Trails Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Kenneth Kendrick (702-515-5073) or Colleen Cepero Rios (702-515-5395) or email BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov