Logandale Trails Project
Resource Management Plan Amendment
The BLM prepared an Environmental Assessment and associated Resource Management Plan Amendment, Recreation Area Management Plan and Travel Management Plan to provide clear and comprehensive management of the BLM’s portion of the Logandale Trails System. The area is currently managed as an Extensive Recreation Management Area in the Las Vegas Resource Management Plan. In an Extensive Recreation Management Area, the BLM manages recreation commensurate with other resources to support and sustain principal recreation activities and associated setting.
The BLM is proposing to amend the Las Vegas Resource Management Plan to redesignate the Logandale Trails as a Special Recreation Management Area. The BLM’s management in a Special Recreation Management Area is focused on the protection and enhancement of targeted recreation activities, experiences, and settings. Recreation and visitor services management is the predominant land use planning focus in a Special Recreation Management Area. The Special Recreation Management Area designation would provide planning-level guidance outlining and describing the appropriate types and locations for recreation uses, types and locations of other allowable resource uses and activities, and necessary resource protections. Outcome-focused objectives for the Special Recreation Management Area establish the overarching management priorities that the BLM will then implement through the Recreation Area Management Plan and Travel Management Plan. The Resource Management Plan Amendment for the Special Recreation Management Area designation is Appendix A of the Environmental Assessment.
Proposed Special Recreation Management Area Boundary
For more information on the Logandale Trails Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Kenneth Kendrick (702-515-5073) or Colleen Cepero Rios (702-515-5395) or email BLM_NV_LVFO_Logandale_RAMP@blm.gov