Sloan Canyon NCA – Visitor Contact Station – Environmental Assessment - Virtual Public Meeting
Welcome and Project Introduction
Thank you for visiting the virtual public meeting website for the U.S. Department of the Interior, BLM Red Rock/Sloan Field Office, Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Contact Station EA.
In November 2002, Congress designated the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA) to preserve and protect a portion of southern Nevada's Mojave Desert as a permanent asset for future generations. The Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002 established the Sloan Canyon NCA and the North McCullough Wilderness, which is entirely contained within the NCA. The 48,438-acre NCA, which forms the mountainous southern skyline of the City of Henderson and the Las Vegas Valley, contains unique scenic and important archaeological sites. The centerpiece of the NCA is Petroglyph Canyon, one of the most significant cultural resources in southern Nevada. More than 300 rock art panels with nearly 1,700 designs represent native cultures dating from the Archaic to historic periods.
In establishing Sloan Canyon as a national conservation area, Congress also established a special fund account through the sale of 500 acres of adjacent federal land to fund the development and operations of the NCA. Part of this account funds the construction and operation of facilities to support the management of the conservation area.
In May of 2016, BLM published the record of decision for the approved Sloan Canyon NCA Resource Management Plan (RMP)/ Final Environmental Impact Statement and the approved North McCullough Wilderness Management Plan. The purpose of the RMP is to provide BLM Las Vegas Field Office with comprehensive framework for managing the NCA and the North McCullough Wilderness. Developing a permanent visitor contact station with associated improvements was part of the aforementioned record of decision.
Project Description
This Environmental Assessment (EA) will be prepared to disclose and analyze the environmental effects of the Proposed Action, which consists of development of a permanent Visitor Contact Station and improved infrastructure to replace the temporary visitor contact station at the north boundary of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA). This EA will assist the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Red Rock-Sloan Field Office in project planning and ensuring compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and in making a determination as to whether any significant effects could result from the analyzed actions.
For more information on the Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Ray Tsui at (702-515-5000) or BLM_NV_LV_Sloan_ContactStation@blm.gov.