Sloan Canyon NCA – Visitor Contact Station – Environmental Assessment - Virtual Public Meeting
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is analyzed in this EA?
Impacts to the following resources from construction and maintenance of the proposed visitor contact station are analyzed in the EA.
Biological Resources: Vegetation, invasive species, noxious weeds, general wildlife, migratory birds, BLM sensitive species, USFWS federally listed species.
Conservation lands
Public Health and Safety
Visual resources
2. Why is the proposed action necessary?
The proposed action is necessary to meet the goals and objectives as identified in the 2005 Sloan Canyon NCA RMP and Wilderness Management Plan.
3. What is a NCA?
A National Conservation Area is a designation for certain protected areas in the United States. These lands are created by an Act that is voted on and passed by the US Congress.
4. What are the benefits of the proposed federal action?
This action is beneficial to the management of the Conservation Area as outlined within the CLARK COUNTY CONSERVATION OF PUBLIC LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES ACT OF 2002 (PUBLIC LAW 107-282- NOV. 6, 2002),TITLE VI. This project will help management conserve, protect, and enhance for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations the cultural, archaeological, natural, wilderness, scientific, geological, historical, biological, wildlife, educational, and scenic resources.
5. How can the public provide their input on the project?
While the public information gathering period has ended, the public had the opportunity to provide input using the following methods:
BLM – Red Rock/Sloan Field Office
Attention: Ray Tsui
4701 North Torrey Pines Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Email: BLM_NV_LV_Sloan_ContactStation@blm.gov.
Phone: 702-515-5000
Website: www.virtualpublicmeeting.com/SloanCanyonVisitorContactStationEA-home
BLM eplanning: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2003645/510
6. What will the BLM do with the input received from the public during the comment period?
The BLM will use the input received from the public during the comment period to revise and improve the current EA draft, as appropriate.
7. Will the BLM implement a fee station?
There is no implementation or design of a fee station within this proposal.
8. Will the BLM require reservations to hike into the petroglyph canyon?
Yes. Reservations will be required to visit the Petroglyph Management Area. BLM has designed a specific area for the Petroglyph Management Area entrance from the Visitor Contact Station. The Sloan Canyon Resource Management Plan (RMP) indicates that all entry into Petroglyph Canyon shall be by permit only therefore, the best way to manage permitted visitation is by reservation to join a hike.
9. What will the building consist of?
The project consists of a 3,000 square foot Visitor Contact Station, ½ mile interpretive loop trail, an amphitheater with the capacity of 120 visitors, and an extended parking lot for 80+ vehicles.
10. Will the Visitor Contact Station be tied into public utilities?
Yes. BLM has designed for a water line tie in within Democracy Drive and will have a septic system installed outside of the NCA, on BLM public lands within the SNPLMA boundary.
11. Will Staff work out of the building?
Yes. The Visitor Contact Station will staff Sloan Canyon NCA Staff on site within the NCA. Staff consists of various Park Rangers, Outdoor Recreation staff and potentially future partners and volunteers.
12. Will this project Restrict access to the Petroglyphs?
BLM has designed a specific access point for the Petroglyph Management Area from the Visitor Contact Station. The Sloan Canyon Resource Management Plan (RMP) indicates that all entry into Petroglyph Canyon shall be by permit only.
13. Will the site be closed during construction?
Yes. BLM plans to close the Petroglyph Trailhead during construction for the safety of the public and staff.
14. Will there be access to the Petroglyph Management Area during Construction?
The access through Petroglyph Trailhead will be closed during construction.
15. How long will this project take once construction starts?
This project is expected to take 6-8 months once construction starts.
16. Will BLM have a temporary Contact Station/Office onsite during construction?
Potentially. As BLM continues through the process, we are searching for an area where we may be able to have a temporary office to house current staff and any future project management staff that helps during the development.
17. Has the SNPLMA Funding been approved or will this project be funded from the Special Legislation Account?
The Sloan Canyon Visitor Contact Station has only been recommended for funding from SNPLMA through the Capital Improvements category. The decision is not final until the Department of Interior’s Secretary signs the recommendation.
18. Where can I find copies of the Enacting Legislation, Resource Management Plan, and Implementation Strategy?
You find this information on our website: https://www.blm.gov/programs/national-conservation-lands/nevada/sloan-canyon-nca
For more information on the Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Ray Tsui at (702-515-5000) or BLM_NV_LV_Sloan_ContactStation@blm.gov.