Sloan Canyon NCA – Visitor Contact Station – Environmental Assessment - Virtual Public Meeting
NEPA and Public Involvement
NEPA and the Scoping Process
The BLM is preparing the EA associated with the development of the contact station in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. The BLM will use the EA to evaluate the environmental and related social and economic effects of the proposed project.
While not required during preparation of an EA, the BLM is choosing to engage the public as they develop the EA.
During the public information gathering period from December 2018 to January 2019, BLM asked for public and agency input on the scope of the analysis and for alternatives to be considered in the EA. During this time, the BLM solicited comments for the proposed permanent visitor contact station through a public information forum held at the Levi Strauss Sky Harbor Distribution Center in Henderson. The BLM reviewed all submissions received on or before January 11, 2019. The input received is detailed in the Final Public Information Forum Report on ePlanning.
Opportunities for Public Involvement
The BLM conducted a 30-day public information gathering period from April 28 to May 28, 2021, when stakeholders and members of the public had the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed action and attend a virtual public meeting on May 5, 2021.
Due to COVID-19 precautions BLM hosted a live, moderated virtual public comment meeting using the Zoom video conferencing technology. The virtual public meeting was held on May 5, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. PDT.
During the virtual public meeting, attendees had the opportunity to join by computer or phone to learn about the Project and the NEPA process. The meeting started with a brief presentation by BLM staff followed by an opportunity for attendees to ask questions to be answered by the BLM interdisciplinary team. Then there was a comment session for the public to provide their comments. Commenters had an allotted time period to provide comments and the order of commenters was based on meeting registration. In addition, the public had the opportunity to submit comments through this virtual public meeting website.
More information is available on the BLM’s ePlanning website.
For more information on the Project or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Ray Tsui at (702-515-5000) or BLM_NV_LV_Sloan_ContactStation@blm.gov.