Photo credit: Bureau of Reclamation
Thank you for visiting the project website for the Bureau of Reclamation Scoggins Dam Safety Modifications Project Environmental Impact Statement.
Aerial view of Scoggins Dam.
The Bureau of Reclamation intends to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Scoggins Dam Safety Modifications project in the Tualatin basin, Oregon. The purpose of the project is to improve public safety by reducing risk associated with severe seismic loadings, while continuing to meet authorized project purposes. Reclamation is proposing to reduce the risk of dam failure by raising the dam crest, constructing a downstream shear key, creating a new spillway, and placing additional berm material over the existing dam.
Scoggins Dam and its reservoir, Henry Hagg Lake, are in southwestern Washington County, 5 miles southwest of Forest Grove, Ore., and 25 miles west of Portland, Ore.
Reclamation invited public comments to identify issues or alternatives to be considered in EIS development during a 30-day public scoping from Jan. 25, 2024, to Feb. 26, 2024.
Reclamation conducted the scoping period in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to gather information from the public, government agencies, sovereigns, and other interested parties to identify relevant comments, concerns and/or issues that will inform the scope of the EIS and guide its development. Reclamation provided an opportunity to participate in the scoping process and provide input through this virtual meeting room throughout the duration of the scoping period from Jan. 25, 2024, to Feb. 26, 2024. The public and other interested parties also were able to provide input and participate in the scoping process through two, in-person public meetings held February 8 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. PST or two, virtual public meetings held for February 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. PST. All scoping comments were to be submitted/postmarked by February 26, 2024. While the public comment period has closed, this virtual meeting room will still be accessible for visitors to view information about the project and meeting materials.
How to Use the Virtual Public Meeting Site
By clicking on the following links, participants can access project information and submit questions to Reclamation.
All of the Scoggins Safety of Dams EIS project website files on this site are available as a zip file download.
Scoggins Dam spillway.