Scoggins Dam Safety Modifications Project Environmental Impact Statement
NEPA and Public Involvement
Photo credit: Bureau of Reclamation
NEPA and the Scoping Process
NEPA requires that federal agencies engage the public during preparation of an EIS. Scoping is the process that continues throughout the planning and early stages of EIS preparation. Agencies use scoping to engage various stakeholders, including state, local, and Tribal governments, and the public in the early identification of affected resources, issues to be considered, and potential alternatives.
Scoping Meetings
This virtual public meeting website was accessible 24 hours a day during the scoping period. While the public comment period has closed, this virtual meeting room will still be accessible for visitors to view information about the project and meeting materials. Additionally, two, in-person meetings and two virtual public meetings were held during the scoping period. Posters that are displayed during the in-person public meetings are available here.
In-Person Public Scoping Meetings
Feb. 8, 5 – 6:30 p.m. PST
Community Auditorium
1915 Main Street
Forest Grove, OR 97116Feb. 8, 6:30 – 8 p.m. PST
Community Auditorium
1915 Main Street
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Virtual Public Scoping Meetings
Reclamation held two virtual public scoping meetings:
Feb. 13, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST - Zoom Webinar
Feb. 13, 4 – 6 p.m. PST - Zoom Webinar
The two live virtual public scoping meetings were recorded and are available for viewing by clicking the video thumbnails below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Rebecca Thompson, Bureau of Reclamation, Columbia–Pacific Northwest Regional Office, 1150 Curtis Road, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234; email BOR-SHA-SCNEPA@usbr.gov.
Individuals who are deaf, blind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services to contact the above individual during normal business hours or to leave a message or question after hours. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.
Next: Providing Scoping Comments
For more information on the Scoggins Dam Safety Modifications Project EIS, visit the project website (Scoggins, CPN Region | Bureau of Reclamation (usbr.gov)) or contact Rebecca Thompson, natural resource specialist (BOR-SHA-SCNEPA@usbr.gov).
To be added to or removed from the mailing list, please contact Alli Yamnitsky (alli.yamitsky@empsi.com).