Photo credit: Upper Columbia United Tribes

Thank you for visiting the virtual public scoping site for the Programmatic Environmental Assessment for federal support for the Phase 2 Implementation Plan: Testing Feasibility of Reintroduced Salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin (P2IP).

Reclamation conducted a 30-day public scoping period from February 9, 2024, to March 18, 2024. Additional information is available on Reclamation’s P2IP project website.


How to Use the Virtual Public Meeting Site

While the public scoping period ended on March 18, 2024, this virtual public scoping site will still be accessible for visitors to view information about the project and meeting materials. Participants can visit the virtual public meeting website stations to access project information, read Frequently Asked Questions and responses, or pose additional questions by clicking on the buttons below:

Photo credit: USACE

For more information, please visit Reclamation’s P2IP Programmatic EA website. All of the files on this site are available as a zip file download.