Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Phase 2 Implementation Plan: Testing Feasibility of Reintroducing Salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin
2024 Scoping Process
Photo credit: Upper Columbia United Tribes
Scoping Process Overview
The co-lead agencies engaged the public in a 30-day scoping period from February 9, 2024 to March 18, 2024, to support the development of the draft programmatic EA. Scoping is the initial opportunity for the public to provide input on the project. The co-lead agencies considered all comments received during the scoping period to inform the range of alternatives and resources considered. The final P2IP Scoping Report is available at usbr.gov/pn/programs/p2ip/docs/2024_1022_P2IP_FinalScopingReport_508.pdf.
During the public scoping period, the public had the opportunity to participate in the scoping process and provide input through this web-based site from February 9, 2024, to March 18, 2024, at the in-person public scoping meetings, or by submitting comments. All scoping comments were to be submitted and be postmarked by close of business on March 18, 2024.
Reclamation, Bonneville and the USACE held two in-person public scoping meetings:
Tuesday, February 27, 2024. 5–7pm PT at the Colville Tribal Museum in Grand Coulee, WA
Wednesday, February 28, 2024. 6–8pm PT at Kalispell Northern Quest Casino in Airway Heights, WA
The in-person public meetings followed an open-house style with no formal presentation. Subject matter experts from the co-lead agencies and tribes were available to provide information, answer questions, and accept comments. Posters that were displayed during the in-person public meetings are available below:
For more information, please contact Melissa Yenko (myenko@usbr.gov).