Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Phase 2 Implementation Plan: Testing Feasibility of Reintroduced Salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin



Photo credit: Upper Columbia United Tribes

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The Phase 2 Implementation Plan: Testing the Feasibility of Reintroduced Salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin is a 20-year plan for testing the feasibility of reintroducing Chinook and Sockeye salmon into blocked areas upstream of Chief Joseph, Grand Coulee, Little Falls, Long Lake, and Nine Mile dams. These dams were constructed without fish passage, and the eradication of anadromous fish in the blocked areas affected ecosystems and restricted or eliminated Tribal traditional and cultural practices related to salmon. The P2IP was developed by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Coeur d’ Alene Tribe of Indians, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and the Upper Columbia United Tribes, collectively referred to as the Project Proponents. The Project Proponents’ objective is to complete juvenile and adult salmon studies, test the feasibility of fish passage options, establish fish-rearing and hatchery facilities, and develop a long-term salmon reintroduction plan to serve the following purposes:

  • Return salmon to their historic habitats in the upper Columbia River to increase the abundance and distribution of salmon in the Columbia River Basin

  • Restore access to salmon for tribal and non-tribal communities in the blocked areas

  • Restore tribal traditional and cultural practices related to salmon in the region

Before non-indigenous contact, millions of salmon returned to the Columbia River, were vital to a healthy ecosystem, and sustained tribal communities for many thousands of years. The construction of the five dams halted anadromous salmon passage to the upstream blocked areas and severely restricted or eliminated Tribal traditional and cultural practices related to salmon. Beginning in 2013, a coalition of Columbia Basin Tribes and Canadian First Nations jointly developed a four-phase approach to guide the development of fish passage and reintroduction efforts in the Upper Columbia above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams. Upper Columbia United Tribes completed the Fish Passage and Reintroduction Phase 1 studies in 2019 in coordination with the state of Washington, the U.S. Geologic Survey, and other partners. UCUT developed the Phase 2 Implementation Plan based on the favorable findings of the Phase 1 studies, indicating that reintroduction is viable for the species evaluated.  

The Bureau of Reclamation, Bonneville Power Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the Project Proponents, will be preparing a programmatic environmental assessment for the federal support of the P2IP as co-lead agencies. The P2IP involves activities over an approximately 20-year period to test key biological assumptions through salmon research studies, develop interim hatchery and passage facilities, establish sources of donor and brood stocks for reintroduction, and evaluate success.

The Project Proponents are implementing juvenile survival outmigration studies. The applicable agencies have approved and permitted these activities, which will continue unless changes are identified in the programmatic EA.

The co-lead agencies (Reclamation, Bonneville, and USACE) need to consider and respond to the Project Proponents’ P2IP proposal in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and authorities. In late 2023, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and the federal government agreed to pursue a proactive, collaborative, and science-based approach to implementing the P2IP. The federal government's objectives are to support the P2IP activities consistent with the P2IP agreement, continue to provide an adequate, efficient, economical and reliable power supply that supports the integrated Columbia River Power system and continue to deliver reliable water supplies, manage flood risk, provide reliable navigation and recreation opportunities and minimize environmental impacts.

Federal actions associated with the P2IP that will be considered in the programmatic EA include the following:

  • Fund activities throughout the project area including research studies, interim passage, and fish rearing.

  • Reviewing, approving, and issuing permits for actions including but not limited to data collection, installation of equipment, or facility construction on federally managed land and facilities

  • Provide eggs, juvenile, and adult salmon from existing hatcheries for research studies

Photo credit: Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Fish and Wildlife Department, CTCR Fisheries Researcher Casey Baldwin, releasing juvenile Chinook salmon for P2IP studies.

Photo credit: 2023 installation of the pier nose trolley receiver equipment at Grand Coulee Dam for P2IP.  Photo Credit: Devan Black, Reclamation, CPN Region, Grand Coulee Power Office.

P2IP Project Map


For more information on the P2IP PEA, please contact Melissa Yenko (

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