FRRR Draft PEIS Virtual Public Meeting

7: What are the Next Steps?

What Happens Next

After the comment period, the BLM Interdisciplinary Team will review the comments, make adjustments and develop a Final PEIS. The BLM will then issue the Final PEIS followed by a Record of Decision (ROD). Once a ROD is signed there will be a 30-day period before the ROD can be implemented.


The ROD would not authorize any site-specific projects; rather the analysis will allow individual offices prepare Determinations of NEPA Adequacy for site-specific projects that align with all aspects of the FRRR PEIS or to narrow the focus of their analysis for site-specific projects to just those aspects that were not considered in the FRRR PEIS.

Local BLM offices would still be responsible for public outreach, collaboration with stake holders, and applicable tribal consultation. Offices would also need to perform the necessary biological, cultural, and visual resources management surveys to adequately understand the project impacts. A site-specific decision document would be prepared and signed before implementing site-specific projects.


For more information on the FRRR Draft PEIS please contact Ammon Wilhelm, 208-373-4000.

If you have questions about the FRRR Draft PEIS or wish to be added or removed from the mailing list, please contact BLM at