2. NEPA/Public Involvement
Nihama Nahasdaa doo Yadilhil Yeehadit’ehi Beebik'ih Adeest'iih
NEPA and Public Involvement
NEPA requires that federal agencies engage the public during preparation of an EIS. The BLM started this process in 2014 by publishing a Notice of Intent to prepare an RMPA/EIS and conducting three public scoping meetings, continued with the second round of scoping that occurred in 2016 and 2017 when the BIA joined as a co-lead and 10 public scoping meetings were held in the planning area, and is on-going with the current 210-day comment period on the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS. BLM and BIA have engaged various stakeholders including state, local, and tribal governments and the public in identifying potentially of affected resources, issues to be considered, management alternatives, and analysis in the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS.
Nihama Nahasdaa doo Yadilhil Yeehadit’ehi Beebik'ih Adeest'iih
Listen to information about this virtual open house station in Navajo.
NEPA process and the FMG RMPA/EIS
As described in detail here, the BLM and BIA have already conducted five virtual public meetings during the comment period for the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS. Based on the feedback received during these meetings, Secretary of the Interior Bernhardt extended the comment period on the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS, which will now conclude on September 25, 2020.
The VOHs held on August 26-29 continued the agencies’ engagement with the public and tribal members. More details on the NEPA schedule and public involvement are provided below.
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For more information on the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS, please contact Sarah Scott (505-564-7689) or Robert Begay (505-863-8515).
If you have questions about the Draft FMG RMPA/EIS or wish to be added or removed from the mailing list, please email blm_nm_ffo_rmp@blm.gov.