Areas of Ctrical Environmental Concern
Photo of the Hogatza River taken by Craig McCaa.
Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
During the scoping period held for the Central Yukon RMP/EIS, the BLM requested public input on both existing and nominated areas of critical environmental concern (ACECs) and research natural areas (RNAs). In addition, the BLM sought public comments, nominations, and modifications, during a specific comment period on ACECs from May 1 to August 29, 2014. The ACEC report is available on the BLM's NEPA Register.
To be eligible for designation as an ACEC, an area must meet the relevance and importance criteria described in 43 CFR 1610.7-2 and BLM Manual 1613, and need special management.
Relevance and importance are defined as follows:
Relevance: There shall be present a significant historic, cultural, or scenic value, a fish or wildlife resource or other natural system or process, or natural hazard.
Importance: The above-described value, resource, system, process, or hazard shall have substantial significance and value, which generally requires qualities of more than local significance and special worth, consequence, meaning, distinctiveness, or cause for concern. A natural hazard can be important if it is a significant threat to life or property.
RNAs are established and maintained for the purpose of research and education because the land has one or more of the following characteristics (43 CFR 8223):
A typical representation of a common plant or animal association.
An unusual plant or animal association.
A threatened or endangered plant or animal species.
A typical representation of common geologic, soil, or water features.
Outstanding or unusual geologic, soil, or water features.
Alternative A contains 16 ACECs and 8 RNAs for total of 1,751,000 acres; Alternative B proposes 25 ACECs and 6 RNAs totaling 4,035,000 acres; Alternative C1 proposes 7 ACECs and 1 RNA totaling 418,000 acres; Alternative C2 proposes one RNA of 77,000 acres; and Alternative D proposes no ACECs or RNAs.
Proposed management actions are specific to each ACEC or RNA and can be found in Appendix J, Land Management Allocations, of the Central Yukon RMP/EIS. Appendix T, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, of the Central Yukon RMP/EIS, provides a detailed analysis of the effects for the relevance and importance values for each ACEC.
Maps for ACECS are Map 2-16 through Map 2-22, see Appendix A, Maps, of the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS.
For more information on the Draft RMP/EIS or to submit comments, please visit the BLM’s NEPA Register website:
For more information, contact Chel Ethun at (907) 474-2253.