Welcome to the Truckee Canal XM EIS Virtual Public Meeting

The Bureau of Reclamation released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on March 6th, 2020 to address potential safety concerns associated with long-term operations of the Truckee Canal located in western Nevada. The canal is presently operated at a stage or water height that complies with short-term risk reduction measures until the plan is implemented. Reclamation analyzed the environmental impacts of proposed alternatives to restore safe, long-term operation of the canal and documented them in the Truckee Canal Extraordinary Maintenance (XM) draft EIS. The XM draft EIS analyzes potential effects associated with extraordinary maintenance on the Truckee Canal in Lyon and Churchill counties, Nevada. The XM draft EIS was available for a 45-day comment period what ended on April 20, 2020.

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The Bureau of Reclamation appreciates you coming to visit our virtual public meeting. Please take a moment to sign in and let us know that you were here.

For more information on the XM draft EIS, please contact Laurie Nicholas (775-884-8360, lnicholas@usbr.gov). 

To be added or removed from the mailing list, please contact Sean Cottle (775-323-1433, sean.cottle@empsi.com).