Welcome to the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS Virtual Open House
BLM published the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS on December 11, 2020 for public review and comment. The Draft RMP/EIS evaluates five alternatives for managing BLM-managed lands in the planning area. The planning area consists of about 55.7 million acres of land, including approximately 13.3 million acres of public lands managed by the BLM Central Yukon Field Office.
The Approved Plan and Record of Decision for the Central Yukon RMP/EIS will guide management of these public lands for the next 15 to 20 years for the benefit of current and future generations as part of BLM’s multiple-use mission. This planning effort is updating management decisions for public land uses and resources, including mineral development, recreation uses, access to public lands, subsistence, and wildlife and riparian habitat. When complete, the updated Central Yukon RMP will replace the Utility Corridor RMP (1991), the original Central Yukon RMP (1986), and portions of the Southwest Management Framework Plan (1981), as well as provide RMP-level decisions for unplanned lands west of Fairbanks.
Photo showing the Ray Mountains taken by Craig McCaa.
BLM prepared the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and gathered information from the public, cooperating and participating agencies, Tribes, and other interested parties on a range of possible alternatives to address land and resource use and development on BLM-managed lands within the planning area. Input received during scoping and the Preliminary Alternatives Concepts outreach helped in the development of alternatives analyzed in the Draft RMP/EIS.
The public has another opportunity to participate in the public involvement process by submitting comments from December 11, 2020 to June 9, 2021. All comments must be submitted by close of business on June 9, 2021.
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For more information on the Draft RMP/EIS or to submit comments, please visit the BLM’s NEPA Register website: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/35315/510.
For more information, contact Chel Ethun at (907) 474-2253.