BLM Wants Your Feedback
BLM is requesting public comments on the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS.
To be most helpful, your comments should be as specific as possible. Substantive and useful comments are as follows:
Provide new information about the proposed project or suggest a new alternative
Identify a different way to meet the project need
Suggest alternate methodologies for analysis and the reason(s) why they should be used
Make factual corrections, or identify sources of credible research or data
Comments that are less helpful and considered non-substantive are those that:
Vote in favor of or against the proposed action or alternatives
Agree or disagree with agency policy without justification or supporting data
Do not pertain to the project area or the proposed project
Contain vague, open-ended questions
Ways to Comment
The public comment period for the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS ends on June 9, 2021. We appreciate your comments on the Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS. There are four ways to get your ideas to us:
You may submit comments directly through BLM’s NEPA Register website.
You may write to us at
BLM Central Yukon Field Office
Attention: Central Yukon Draft RMP/EIS
222 University Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99709.
You may fax comments to (907) 474–2282
You may email comments to
The public also had the opportunity to provide comments during the NEPA Public Meetings/ANILCA 810 Subsistence Hearings that were be held on January 26, 27, 28 and February 2, 3, 4, 9, 2021. The meeting dates, times, and registration procedures were announced through the BLM NEPA Register website, news releases, and public notices.
Still have questions? Visit our Q & A page.
For more information on the Draft RMP/EIS or to submit comments, please visit the BLM’s NEPA Register website:
For more information, contact Chel Ethun at (907) 474-2253.