Scoping and Alternatives Development
Public Outreach
The formal public scoping process for the Central Yukon RMP/EIS revision began with the publication of the Notice of Intent in the Federal Register on June 14, 2013. As part of this outreach effort, the BLM held 16 public meetings in 15 different communities during the scoping period. The BLM then published a scoping report in March 2015 summarizing the issues and management concerns raised by the public, other agencies, and tribal governments during the scoping period.
During the scoping period, BLM requested public input on both existing and nominated areas of critical environmental concern (ACECs) and research natural areas (RNAs). In addition, the BLM sought public comments, nominations, and modifications during a specific comment period on ACECs from May 1 to August 29, 2014. BLM published the ACEC Evaluation Report in November 2015, where more detailed information on this process can be found.
Photo showing BLM staff presenting the Central Yukon RMP preliminary alternatives concepts at a 2017 public meeting in Fairbanks
In 2016 and 2017, BLM used the initial scoping efforts, inventory and data collection, and the Analysis of the Management Situation to inform formulation of a range of alternatives to analyze in the Draft RMP/EIS. The preliminary alternatives concepts were developed by the RMP/EIS interdisciplinary planning team, composed of personnel from the BLM and cooperating agencies.
The public also had the opportunity to participate in the review of these preliminary alternatives concepts through public meetings and another formal comment period. A total of 10 meetings were held in communities across interior Alaska, and in the cities of Fairbanks and Anchorage. More detailed information on input received can be found in the Preliminary Alternatives Concepts Public Comment Summary Report.
For more information on the Draft RMP/EIS or to submit comments, please visit the BLM’s NEPA Register website:
For more information, contact Chel Ethun at (907) 474-2253.